We help travelers find the most direct way to book vacation rentals. Travelers save money and managers can personalize experiences. Everyone wins! Well, except the OTA's...
Can I search on BookDirect.ly like I can on the OTA's?
Not currently. The OTA's have invested billions of dollars on search so we recommend searching with them, and then coming back here to see if you can #BookDirect.
Aren't you just another middle-man?
No, we send you directly to the manager's website and take 0%. We're as annoyed with all the fees as you.
How do you make money?
This service is free. We are currently surveying customers for what additional services they may want so that we can build an affordable premium option. Let us know what you want to see.
02. For Guests
Why do I have to give you my email?
Our tool crawls the internet, so it's not instantaneous. Rather than keep you waiting, we think it's better just to email you. We won't do anything sketchy with your email.
How long does it take for me to receive an email from you?
~24 hours. Sometimes shorter, depending on how many possible matches our algorithm has to filter. If you've been waiting over 24 hours, please try entering your listing again.
How do I know I'm booking from the real host?
We'll let you know how confident we are in a match. This is how you can verify listings: Ask the host a question through the OTA (do you have any favorite restaurants? Do you have a favorite hike? etc.) Then ask the manager what question you asked through the OTA.
Travel Websites say not to book off-platform, is it safe?
It's not 2009 anymore, professionals have websites. The big travel sites are trying to scare us into paying their egregious fees.
03. For Property Managers
How do I add my listings?
Click the "Add your property" button in the header or footer and start your application.
Is BookDirect.ly free?
Yes, we send guests directly to your website for free. We feel that you did the hard work of attracting guests, we're just helping them book directly from you.
Do you have a paid version?
Not yet. We're currently researching what features you might want to pay for. Our goal is to not become another middle-man. If you have suggestions, please reach out.
If I'm not on the OTA's, how can I list my units?
First, congratulations on becoming OTA independent! We'll be featuring homes you can only #BookDirect.ly in a monthly newsletter, so please reach out to us.
04. About BookDirect.ly
I've never heard of BookDirect.ly, are you new?
👋We launched in 2020. Before BookDirect.ly, we spent years working in the vacation rental industry, across marketing and product development teams. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just want to say hello!
Why did you start BookDirect.ly?
First, we want to acknowledge all the hard work that everyone has put into building the #BookDirect movement. We want to use our marketing and development skills to help bring the movement to more guests, specifically the ones who start their search on the OTA's.
How can I help BookDirect.ly?
Did we just become best friends?! The best way is to try our product and share your experience with your friends and guests. If there's anything keeping you from loving #BookDirect.ly, please let us know.
What's your goal?
Our goal is to help 10,000 guests save $100 in fees this year (that's $1M+ in savings!). If you want to help us reach our goal, please tell your friends.